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The Beginning

Answering the Call


Since accepting the call of the Lord to serve on the foreign field. I've always had a burden for the poor and illiterate and wanted to do something in life to bring about HOPE and CHANGE.


We are commanded by God to go to the uttermost parts of the earth and spread the GOOD NEWS of JESUS CHRIST. (Matt 28:19-20) There is a great revival going on in third world countries and people are turning from pagan gods to serve Jesus. We are COMMISSIONED OFFICERS for the Kingdom!


We must be attentive to the needs to help fight ignorance, poverty and disease through education, empowerment and unity.


We ask ourselves, "what can I do to make a positive in life?" It's simple: show love, be empathetic and engage those that are outside of your comfort zone.

VISION4MISSIONS is not about adding numbers to a church denomination, but to help those in poor areas that need to know that everyone is important.

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